At first, the idea of doing the best still confused me. Is it doing the best or being the best?
After things that happened to me in the past 2 years, I realized that being the best isn't the right purpose. But let's back to the topic, Why am I willing to do the best. In this chance, I'll talk about my academic section of life.
I personally believe and keep reminding myself that the reasons behind this are to make my parents less worried about me, God and my religion, and of course for the sake of my own happiness.
Talking about the first reason, making my parents feel less worried about me, my future. Slowly taking the burden they have by showing that I'm doing well and they don't have to worried about the future. How am I going to survive in life, where the competition is tight. Even if my best effort won't always give a good result, they believe that the efforts won't be wasted. Somehow, it helped you, and for sure, it will happen at the right time. But before moving to the next reason, let me tell you why this reason came first in my mind. It is because where the whole idea of this writing came off.
The second reason is that God and my religion told me that all of the things I did will be paid later. Whether is it the bad or good deed. That's why I think that it's better to do the good deed and do it with the best effort. The result won't matter because God has guaranteed that for us.
The last but not least, for the sake of my own happiness. I'm sure everyone deserves to be happy, so do I. In the past, I believe that every aspect of my life should be the best. But I have changed it. Right now, I already put on my mind that I need to do the best, make my best effort in every aspect of life. From that, I'm motivated to be a better person every day by learning from my failure and learning throughout the processes.
Well done, I've done this writing, maybe this isn't a good one but I'm relieved that I've delivered this.